Sunday, December 1, 2019

Researchers refine guidelines for pediatric brain injuries

When a child suffers a head trauma, medical professionals are in high gear to prevent further damage to a developing brain. Measuring and regulating the child's level of carbon dioxide is critical to ensuring the brain is getting enough blood oxygen to prevent a secondary brain injury. High carbon dioxide can increase intracranial pressure, while a low level is associated with poor brain circulation.

LONGDOM Conferences provide the platform to speakers and offer delegates the opportunity to share their ideas and network. We are pleased to welcome you to attend and associate with us at Modern Trends in Dementia and Alzheimer’s Conference on May 28-29, 2020 in Frankfurt, Germany.
Dementia Conclave 2020 mainly focuses on the theme “Emerging Trends in Dementia Research”. Guided by a line-up of expert speakers, the agenda will address some of the major issues related to Dementia and Alzheimer’s to ensure that public receives the best possible care and can look forward to a bright future.

Haldar B
Conference Service Manager

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